
Extraction Services

For plant growers and manufacturers of plant-derived products, who do not wish to build-out their own extraction operations, UCIT Plant Extractions can help. Utilizing our mobile platform is a convenient and cost effective method to achieve desired results bringing your products to market sooner. Please contact us to learn more about our commercial plant extraction services.

Product Development Services

UCIT Plant Extraction has expertise in the development of innovative and commercially successful plant-based consumer products. If you are interested in discussing our product development services, please contact us.


Plant Extractions Simplified

The UCIT-PE technology is scalable for any size of plant extraction processing operation and can be mobilized for use at the point of plant harvesting. We also offer multiple options for the purchase, use, and licensing of the technology. And whereas traditional extraction methods require 5 to 7 steps in processing, our technology is a single, self-contained unit. Simply put, UCIT-PE lowers the cost and time frame for extraction processing.

Safe and Clean Extractions

Unlike traditional cannabis extraction methods that rely on harmful chemicals, such as ethanol and butane, the UCIT-PE extraction process only relies on water. As such, the end-product contains no chemical solvent reside. As regulation of the cannabis industry expands, processers can be confident that their product will meet the anticipated quality standards. Additionally, the UCIT-PE system eliminates all bacteria, mold, heavy metals, and pesticides from the source biomass (hemp), resulting in the purest form of extracted plant materials.

Ready for Consumption

The UCIT-PE extraction method is a water-based nano-emulsion, and therefore suitable for direct consumption without the need for additional processing. Additionally, end-product variety can be achieved by combining source biomass with other plant-based materials during (or post) the CBD extraction process, without the concern for product separation or nutrient degradation.

Conversely, traditional cannabis extraction methods deliver crude CBD oil as the final product. Additional processing steps are required to dilute and sheer the crude oil into a water-based solutions, and usually involves adding chemicals to enable a nano-emulsion. This adds time and cost to the production of consumer-ready products.

Environmentally Conscious

Our innovative technology is an environmentally safer alternative to traditional plant extraction equipment. The UCIT Plant Extraction system does not require natural gas or fossil fuels to operate, nor does the system release greenhouse gases. And because our system is completely water-based, processors do not need to purchase, store, and/or dispose of harmful chemicals.

Verified Results

Independent, third-party testing has certified the quantitative levels of CBD in the final product, the non-existence of solvent materials, and the elimination of all bacteria, mold, heavy metals, and pesticides. Our system is verified to produce the purest form of extracted plant materials. Please contact us for information on the lab verified results.


Partner With Us

UCIT Plant Extraction has a robust, global partnership network to support the sales, manufacturing, and servicing of our technologies. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us.


Invest With Us

UCIT Plant Extraction is actively seeking investors who share our passion for innovative disruption in the Cannabis Extraction industry. If you are interested in discussing investment opportunities, please contact us.

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